One Platform, Complete Control: YCS Optimizes Operations for Hotel Hill Vista, Udaipur

Hotel Hill Vista

Destino Path is a renowned hotel chain with luxurious properties spread across Rajasthan. Known for providing an impeccable guest experience, Destino Path has carved a niche for itself in the hospitality industry. Among many properties of Destino Path, is Hotel Hill Vista, situated in the picturesque city of Udaipur. 

With years of experience, Destino Path has consistently delivered exceptional guest experiences while efficiently managing numerous properties. However, maintaining this level of service across multiple properties has its own set of challenges.

To address these, they needed the right solutions tailored to their unique requirements, something not every product in the market could offer. 

Mr Pradeep Singh Gehlot, Founder & CEO of Hotel Hill Vista, has been a professional in the hospitality industry for the past 18 years. He shares the journey of Hotel Hill Vista, sharing what prompted them to switch to YCS’s cloud-based solutions and how this transition has significantly transformed their day-to-day operations. 

This success story explores the reasons behind their choice and the tangible benefits they’ve experienced since adopting YCS. 


While the hotel chain excels in managing multiple properties seamlessly, the journey hasn’t always been smooth. 

Despite their best efforts and extensive experience, Hotel Hill Vista struggled with outdated systems that hindered their ability to provide a consistent workflow across all departments. They used multiple systems for reservations, billing, and guest management, that lacked integration. This led to inefficiencies and errors, making it difficult to maintain smooth operations. 

Without real-time data, decision-making was often reactive rather than proactive, affecting their overall efficiency. 

To overcome these challenges, they needed a comprehensive, reliable solution to streamline their operations, enhance guest experiences, and provide actionable insights. That’s when they turned to YCS’s hospitality solutions.


Our cloud-based software provided a unified platform that integrated all essential hotel operations, from reservations to billing and guest management. This streamlined their processes and eliminated the inefficiencies caused by using multiple, non-integrated systems. With real-time data synchronization, decision-making became much easier. 

YCS’s cloud-based solutions were exactly what Hotel Hill Vista needed. It offered scalability and flexibility, allowing the staff to access data anytime, anywhere. 

The CRS system ensured seamless integration across all properties, providing a cohesive management system and smooth workflows.

Top 3 Reasons Why Hotel Hill Vista Chose YCS

"Being in the industry for 18 years, I’ve tried several PMS, and channel managers, but YCS provided exactly what we were looking for in our hotel chain" says Mr. Pradeep Singh Gehlot, Founder & CEO, of Destino Path.  

Here’s a closer look at the three key factors that led Hotel Hill Vista to choose YCS: 

  1. Unified Platform for Multiple Properties

eZee Absolute, hotel PMS provided Hotel Hill Vista with a unified platform to manage multiple properties seamlessly. The centralized system allowed them to access and manage reservations, guest data, and operational insights across all properties from a single interface. 

This not only simplified their management tasks but also ensured consistency and efficiency across the entire hotel chain.

  1. Cloud-Based Solution for Mobility

Cloud-based solutions were crucial for Hotel Hill Vista, as Mr Gehlot and his team often needed to travel between properties. 

This mobility enabled them to access real-time data, make decisions on the go, and oversee operations from any location. It provided the flexibility and accessibility they needed to maintain high standards of service and management efficiency across all their properties. 

  1. Comprehensive Integrations for Enhanced Functionality

YCS’s ecosystem of integrated products, including the channel manager and booking engine, played a vital role in enhancing Hotel Hill Vista’s operations. 

This seamless integration allowed them to manage online distribution channels effectively. optimize room inventory, and increase direct bookings through their website. This integrated approach not only simplified their workflow but also contributed to improved revenue management and enhanced guest satisfaction. 

A Comprehensive CRS System for Hotel Chains

Hotel chains often face unique challenges when it comes to managing reservations and operations across multiple properties. Not every system available in the market is tailored to meet the specific needs of hotel chains, which leads to complications in managing bookings, inventory, and guest data. 

eZee Absolute, Hotel Central Reservation System (CRS) is designed specifically to address the complexities faced by hotel chains. 

It offers a comprehensive solution that integrates seamlessly with the operations of each property within the chain, providing numerous benefits:

  • Synced Reservations: CRS ensures that bookings across all properties are synchronized in real-time, eliminating double bookings and ensuring efficient allocation of rooms.
  • Centralized Control on Inventory: Hotel chains can maintain centralized control over inventory, allowing them to optimize room allocation and manage availability more effectively. 
  • Access Multiple Properties from Single Login: Hotel managers can access and manage multiple properties from a single login, simplifying operational oversight and reducing the complexity of managing multiple login credentials. 
  • Consolidate Data Insights: Intelligent data insights provide comprehensive analytics on revenue, bookings, occupancy rates, and more across the entire hotel chain. Graphical representations and detailed reports facilitate informed decision-making and strategic planning. 

This centralized approach not only enhances operational efficiency but also improves guest satisfaction by ensuring consistent service standards across all properties within the hotel chain. 

For hotel chains like Destino Path, seeking to elevate their operations and guest experiences, eZee Absolute CRS, powered by YCS offered a game-changing solution. By unifying reservations, centralizing control, and providing actionable insights. eZee Absolute empowers hotel chains to streamline workflows, optimize revenue, and deliver exceptional service across all properties. Ready to experience the transformative power of eZee Absolute?

Try our CRS system for free and discover how it can streamline operations and optimize performance across your hotel chain.

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